
str. Nicolae Teodorescu, nr. 7

Loc. Unirea-Odobești,

jud. Vrancea



Buză Răzvan-Florin



Cont bancar (RON)


Asociatia Chinologica Vrancea

(banca Transilvania)

CIF: 37948280


Cont bancar (EURO)


Pasiune Responsabilă!

CAC & CACIB 19.10.2024
& CACIB 20.10.2024


Index proprietari

Important Announcement

Dear Participants,
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Mr. Dusan Paunovic will not be able to attend the dog show. The breeds assigned to Mr. Dusan have been redistributed to other judges.

Thank you for your understanding. We look forward to seeing you at the event!

Best regards, Vrancea Kennel Club

Locaţie / Location: Stone Park

Vanatori 627395, Plaja Putna, gps: 45.7229484, 27.2553828

Competitiile se desfăşoară cu respectarea regulamentelor A.Ch.R. si F.C.I.

PREVEDERI GENERALE : Competitiile se desfasoara cu respectarea regulamentelor F.C.I. si A.Ch.R. Sunt admisi doar cainii care poseda certificat de origine (pedigree) recunoscut de catre F.C.I.. Inscrierile ce nu au atasate documentele necesare in clasele munca sau campioni vor fi inscrisi automat in clasa deschisa fara notificare. In cazul in care aplicantul a omis mentionarea clasei de arbitraj sau a facut-o incorrect, inscrierea se va face automat in clasa corespunzatoare. O copie a Certificatului de origine si cea a dovezii achitarii inscrierii trebuie sa insoteasca buletinul de inscriere. Inscrierile expediate dupa al doilea termen de inscriere nu vor fi acceptate. Inscrierile pot fi trimise: on-line (completati toate campurile solicitate, dupa trimiterea inscrierii verificati-va email pentru confirmare) sau e-mail. Va rugam inscrieti un caine doar o singura data! Confirmarea inscrierii va fi facuta pe e-mail in 48 de ore de la primirea acesteia. Organizatorul nu este responsabil pentru neprimirea unor inscrieri, chiar daca acestea au fost trimise de pe o adresa de e-mail inregistrata. Participantul se angajeaza sa achite inscrierea chiar si in cazul in care nu se prezinta la arbitraj. In cazul anularii competitiei din cauze de forta majora platile pentru inscriere se vor returna in proportie de 80%. Organizatorul are dreptul sa refuze inscrieri fara a fi obligat sa motiveze decizia sa. Participantul este singurul responsabil al daunelor provocate de caini sai. Participantii ce au obtinut titlul de BOB pentru cainele lor au obligatia sa participe la competitiile finale in caz contrar pierzand titlul obtinut. Asmutirea unui caine asupra altuia nu este admisa ! Este interzisa lasarea cainilor nesupravegheati. Sunt interzise interventiile asupra cainilor ce afecteaza structura, culoarea sau forma acestora. Este interzisa lasarea cainilor nesupravegheati. In incinta competitiei este stric interzisa vinderea puilor. Nu se pot face inscrieri si schimbari de clasa in ziua competitiei. Titlurile vor fi retrase exemplarelor care au castigat titlurile de CACJ, CAC, CACL, CACV fara microcip sau cu alt microcip inafara celui inscris in catalog. Ma oblig sa respect toate prevederile legale generate de pandemia SARS-CoV-2 cu privire la protectia mea si a celor din jur.

REGLEMENTARI VETERINARE : Participantii trebuie sa respecte prevederile legislatiei in vigoare (exemplu: carnetul/pasaportul cainelui vizat, certificate veterinare pentru cazurile de urechi si/sau cozi cupate)

GENERAL PROVISIONS :The competitions is held under the FCI and A.Ch.R. Show regulations. Only dogs registered with pedigree recognized by FCI can enter the show. Applications lacking any necessary document (a copy of the International working certificate for the working class, a copy of the Championship certificate for the champion class) will be automatically entered into an open class without any notification. A copy of a pedigree and a copy of a proof of the payment must be enclosed to each application. Should the owner forget to indicate the class or should he/she do it incorrectly (regarding the age), the organizer will enter the dog into a relevant class. Documents received after the second entry close will not be accepted. Applications could be sent by on-line or e-mail. The receipt of an application will be confirmed in 48 hours after the sending. Organizer cannot take the responsibility for the undelivered applications even if they were sent by registered mail.

The participant commits to pay the competitions fees even when he/she will not take part at the competition. In case that the competition will be canceled, due to force majeure, 80% of registration fees will be returned. The organizer may not accept the application without stating the reason. Owner is responsible for any damages caused by the dog. Owners of the dogs awarded by BOB title are obliged to take part at the final competitions; otherwise they cannot claim a BOB prize. Provoking dogs against each other is not allowed. It is forbidden to treat the coat, skin or nose with anything that alters the structure, color or form. It is strictly forbidden to leave dogs alone. Selling puppies at the exhibition grounds is strictly forbidden. It is not allowed to enter the dog on the day of the competition. It is not allowed to change class on the day of the competition. I undertake to respect the Romanian legislation regarding the SARS-CoV-2 pandemics for my protection and for those around me.

VETERINARY REGULATIONS: Dogs from abroad must have a PET PASSPORT and must respect the UE regulations. For dogs from non-EU countries you need anti-rabies antibody titer.


Asociatia Chinologica a Judetului Vrancea (AChVn) este o persoana juridica non-profit, neguvernamentala, afiliata la Asociatia Chinologica Romana (AchR).Citeste statutul asociatiei


Competiții 2024

19.10 - CAC & CACIB

20.10 - CACIB

Acordarea numerelor se face in baza OP-ului cu taxa de inscriere platita!


Cazare / Accommodation:



Asociația Chinologică Vrancea
© 2021 Toate drepturile rezervate.




Cazare / Accommodation:


str. Nicolae Teodorescu, nr. 7

Loc. Unirea-Odobești,

jud. Vrancea



Buză Răzvan-Florin


Cont bancar (RON)


Asociatia chinologica Vrancea

(banca Transilvania)

CIF: 37948280


Cont bancar (EURO)


Competiții 2024

19.10 - CAC & CACIB

20.10 - CACIB

Acordarea numerelor se face in baza OP-ului cu taxa de inscriere platita!

În curând / soon